
Get up and running with our library and deploy your first feature.

Deploying your first Mason feature can be done as soon as you create your Mason account, in 4 steps:

Create a Mason feature

Mason features are functional pieces of UI that perform common (or custom) client-side application functions. Examples include Login and News Feed. We also provide a Canvas feature where you can create a custom UI from scratch.

In the new feature dashboard, select a template as a starting point and give it a name. A good template for testing is Login.

Add an SDK to your application

If you're adding Mason to a React application, simply add it as a dependency. If you'd like to create a new application, use our React quickstart.

Using npm

npm install @mason-api/react-sdk

Using yarn

yarn add @mason-api/react-sdk

If you're not using React, you can include Mason features compiled as HTML custom elements by including the following script tag in your document header.

Optionally, use our JavaScript Quickstart to get started (or use your own).

<script src="https://static.trymason.com/mason@latest.js"></script>

Obtain your API key and initialize Mason

Find your API Key on your Mason profile.

In a React app

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Mason from '@mason-api/react-sdk';

class App extends Component {
    componentDidMount() {
            apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY',
            projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID', //optional string or array of project id strings to pre-fetch

In an HTML document containing Mason features

<script type="text/javascript">
    window.masonAsyncInit = function() {
        Mason({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', projectId: 'YOUR_PROJECT_ID' });

Embed your feature in your application

In the Mason Builder, after you've built a few features and published them, click the deploy button in the top right. Follow the deploy instructions, and you're live!

Load the page in your browser and verify that your feature renders.

Congratulations! You may now modify your feature in the Mason Builder without redeploying.

Last updated